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0612710550 Best Wet Cupping therapies in south africa

Updated: Jun 6, 2021

Pains / High-low blood pressure / Asthma / Stomach Problems / Infertility / Menstrual issues / Skin Problems / Diabetes / Headaches and other head problems.

Wet cupping: (Here blood is removed). Detoxes the organs, Boosts the immune system, promotes healing of various sicknesses, Pain relief, Is a blood purification, Effective for lung/heart, digestive, head, sexual/Gyne conditions + more, Helps treat spiritual conditions, joint problems, removes heat etc.

Detox the body (organs)

Improve blood Circulation and health

Boost the Immune system


Pain & Stress Relief


Complimentary to other medicinal Treatments.


Hypertension (High Blood)


Fertility Problems

Menstruation Problems

Lung Conditions

Digestive Problems

Hormonal Disorders

Head problems

Multiple Sclerosis

Face Paralysis and more.

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